Thursday, March 28, 2013

Tiger In Front Of The Office.


Animal rights activists will cringe, and justly so. Nonetheless, small traveling circuses are still commonplace in Mexico. A very small one just packed up and left Bucerias about one week ago.

Now a larger one has just arrived, and they are cruising the streets. Today they were showing off a tiger. Yesterday they were showcasing a lioness.

Mexicans love circuses. Lily, my secretary, is a real aficionada. She rarely misses one.

I had never been to a circus in my life until moving to Mexico. My Mexican friends have insisted I go with them however, so now I've been four or five times. And, whatever the ethical concerns may be, there is no denying that these little circuses are entertaining. The shows last about 2 hours.

The one standard act I can't stand is the one with all the little motorcycles racing around in a steel cage, faster and faster, in criss-crossing loops. Boring, even though the danger is there. Kid of like watching rock climbing. It's dangerous, but even so, who wants to watch it?

But those dopey little motorcycles? Too loud and too much exhaust...stinks up the tent. Yuk.

In Vallarta, when the largest circuses arrive, there is often a group of 30 to 40 animal rights activists standing in front with signs, protesting the event. So, circuses are well attended here, but there is growing controversy.

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