Saturday, March 30, 2013

Mechanical Surfboard In Mega


This is Semana Santa (holy week), which is perhaps even a bigger holiday than Xmas in Mexico. Town is packed with vacationers from Guadalajara, Leon, Monterey, Mexico City, etc.

In our Mega super store, there are all sorts of promotions this week. One of them features this mechanical surfboard.

The board swings and dips gently when the bikin iclad model is on...they want her to stay on it to attract attention of course. But, when a regular person tries it, they use a different setting, so that it  swings and dips more and more wildly as the seconds tick by. 

The video shows the model first, then a little girl, may 6 or 7 years old; she stays on longer than anyone else I've seen. I suppose her lower center of gravity has something to do with it.

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