Sunday, March 24, 2013

The first house I purchased in PV, 1995!


Tonight I keep running across these really old websites and articles I did from 1998-2000. Wow, it's a strange feeling.

Villa Hadley (named after my daughter) was the first property I bought in Mexico, in 1995. Below is the link to the web site I created to help sell it when we decided to build a house in Nuevo Vallarta. The site was done from scratch with just raw html. That's how it had to be done back then. No templates, no web page building software, just home cookin.'

I had not looked at this web site in at least ten years. What a nostalgic blast. I gotta tell you, I miss that house and the purposely much simpler life back then. It makes me wonder how I slid back into the rat race, running a real estate brokerage, going to the office seven days a week.


1 comment:

  1. Wow! I loved that little house. And I am amazed by how much Marika recalls of it--she was only about 3 when you sold it, but she has a lot of very detailed memories of being up on that terrace.

    Have you driven by anytime recently?


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