Monday, March 25, 2013

Iguana In the Office! An I Love Lucy Moment Today!


This afternoon I heard some shrieking from Lily and Deborah in the outer office. I went out to investigate. Seems a full-sized iguana had decided to come into the office and hang out behind a palm plant in the corner. Iguanas are harmless, despite their fearsome looks, but the shock of seeing it running across the office floor caused the outcries.

I went for my video camera while Deborah began herding the poor guy from one planter to the next, one desk to the next, until we (she) finally got him safely back outside.

The video is like an episode of I Love Lucy. Here it is:

1 comment:

  1. LOL. It was SO helpful of you to film; I'm sure that got Mr Iguana out faster.


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