Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Just Desserts


A long-time friend of mine, who lives in Dallas, was asking me a few days ago if there were any good, traditional Mexican desserts, apart from flan. I thought of pastel de tres leches (3 milk cake), and fried, sweetened plaintains, but apart from that, couldn't come up with anything uniquely Mexican in terms of after-dinner type desserts.

Know of any?

No doubt there are plenty, but I'm not the best guy to ask. I rarely eat out, and almost never above the street food and taco stand level.

Pastries in Mega. There are four rows like this.

Then we got into a discussion of Mexican bakeries, candies, raspados, etc. Mexican bakeries are everywhere and a real delight. Sadly, the big chain stores are putting many of the vastly superior neighborhood bakeries out of business.

Pies In Mega

And the pastries that come from the neighborhood bakeries are much tastier, much more "homemade." But, they are slowly disappearing.

Even so, for now, you can find good stuff from the independent little bakeries if you look. The little mom and pop mini-supers almost always have a tray or two of goodies from one of the local bakeries. But they may only get delivery every other day, so ask if the pastries are from today ("son de hoy?") or not.

Cakes In Mega

As always, convenience rules, and even though the quality is sub-par, I often buy pastries and bolillos in Mega, Or WalMart or Chedraui. I'm guilty as charged.

In my opinion, Mega's bakery ranks at the bottom; Walmart is better; Chedraui is better still. But they are all way below any neighborhood bakery.

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