Sunday, December 2, 2012

Mexico's New President Takes Office

All of my Mexican friends were glued to the tv or internet yesterday, watching the inauguracion of their new president, Enrique Peña Nieto. I watched it too, as I am proudly a naturalized full citizen of Mexico, completing the arduous process about 4 years ago.

Peña Nieto is a PRI-ista. The PRI ruled Mexico for 71 years, before losing the presidency in 2000 to the PAN.

Now, the repentant and reconstructed PRI is back in the saddle.

The transition of power ceremony went smoothly, without the unseemly inside-the-chamber protests and disruptions that happened 6 years ago (the prior transition). Although outside the building where the ceremony took place, there were protests (naturally). Take that as it should be taken; as a sign of a maturing democracy where open dissent is indeed allowed.

Peña Nieto will serve a six year term. Hope springs eternal, here, as everywhere.

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