Sunday, December 9, 2012

Boxing Matches at the Mega Mall!

Hmmm, I guess I do live under a rock.  There was a real boxing ring set up yesterday in the Mega mall, in front of the Chinese restaurant. There was a big crowd and several amateur matches. I thought, how odd.

Only today did I see the results of last night's Marquez/Pacquiao fight. Or even realize there was a Marquez/Pacquiao fight.

So now I know why the big promotion at the mall. Du-uh. And all of Mexico is delirious with joy at last night's 6th round knockout of Pacquiao. And he went down cold. When your face breaks your fall, your lights are all out, all the way down.

Here is a video of the young Mexican aspirants last night in the mall. No doubt they are all inspired by Marquez's victory.

Click HERE for the video.

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