Saturday, December 29, 2012

Americans Are Suddenly Back In This Market


We continue to be busier than anytime since pre 2008. And, we are seeing American buyers. We have written three offers recently, and all from Americans. This is the reverse of the last four years, when Americans (as buyers) vanished from the market due to the macro-economic collapse.

Suddenly, they are back.

Canadians have always been 50 to 60% of the market here. They, and affluent Mexicans, sustained the market post 2008. Canadians were not so over-leveraged as some Americans, and they have a commodities-based economy. So their economy, and their currency, held up much better during the long world-wide downturn.

No one can predict these things with accuracy, least of all I, but it feels as if this market is coming back to life.

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