Thursday, December 20, 2012

Fire Eaters, Jugglers, Hoop Dancers, Ball Boys...


Street entertainment is a long tradition here, and is everywhere. I'm always nervous for these folks, as they work in the middle of deadly-busy intersections.

They have their acts timed for the duration of red lights, with just enough time left over to run-walk between the lanes of waiting cars and collect the hoped-for tips, until the moment the light turns green. Then they have to twist and jump out of the way of the traffic, like a bullfighter avoiding horns. Scary way to earn a few pesos.

Yesterday there was a guy doing his soccer ball magic routine (reminiscent of the Harlem Globetrotters)  in front of traffic betwen Mezcales and Nuevo Vallarta (the WalMart exit).

I tried to flip on my video camera as fast as possible, but, I only caught a bit before the light changed.
 For a brief video of the Mezcales Globetrotter, CLICK HERE

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