Tuesday, August 27, 2013

World's Safest Banks?


A company called Global Finance rates the 50 safest banks in the world every year. For 2012, Canada's safest is TD Bank Group, coming in at number 11. The safest US bank is Bank of New York Mellon at a humble number 29.

To see most of the ratings CLICK HERE.

To skip ahead to see the world's number one safest bank, CLICK HERE. And notice that the country that has the number one safest bank has three other banks (a total of four) in the top ten. Wow. And the best the USA can do is number 29? Pitiful.

You might notice that big bully dogs like Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan do not appear. Of course to be fair they are a different type of "bank." They are "investment banks," also known as casinos. And yes, the odds are always heavily with "the house."

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