Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Driving to Valle Banderas Yesterday; Raccoons, Foxes and Deer.


I was driving the 10 kms from Bucerias to the county seat (municipalidad) in Valle Banderas yesterday in the afternoon. It's a beautiful stretch of country road...with dramatic mountains off to the left and ahead of you all the way. These are part of the Sierra Madre, and this particular peak rises to about 7,000 feet.

The lower slopes are covered in dense, dramatic tropical forest. Higher up, it changes to oak and pine forest. The only access to the higher elevations is horseback or on foot. It's dramatic country.

There are lots of deer (venado), raccoons (mapaches), squirrels (ardillas), and foxes (zorros), etc. Deeper into the Sierras there are jaguars, but I have not seen one in this immediate area.

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