Saturday, August 31, 2013

Previously Palmless Ave Las Palmas Gets Palmed!


I'm admittedly stretching for the ironic aspect...there were already a few old palms on mostly barren Avenida Las Palmas...that's the street that runs from the Oxxo on the highway near Farmacia Guadalajara, down the hill to the Hotel Decameron.

It's a cobblestoned, wide, divided street, with good bay views as you descend, but the city had done almost nothing with the center median. But, all things happen here poco a poco (little by little), and suddenly, as I was driving by this morning on the way to work, I see new plants, and a continuous row of frail little coco palm saplings, one after another, freshly planted.

The good news is, these will grow very fast in this climate (if they take hold), and in just a few years, we'll have a stately row of tall palms down that median, and the street will finally live up to its name.

Here's a quick peek:

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