Thursday, August 8, 2013

Mexican Dog Wanders Into the Office.


Mexicans are generally less territorial than gringos...mi casa es su casa isn't literally true, of course, but it is a sentiment that reflects a broader sense of communal sharing...and along those lines, Mexican dogs are often "neighborhood" dogs, in that they might have one "true owner," but are routinely petted and fed by people up and down their street. Consequently, they rarely bark and freak out when you walk by...they just wag their tales and smile (there are exceptions, of course), as if trying to charm a treat right out of your pocket.

Lily in her regulation dog-watching hat.
We've had several animals wander into the office this year...there was the big iguana that had to be herded back outside...with accompanying shrieks from Lily and Deborah...the video of that is like an I Love Lucy episode, and is in the blog archives.

Then there was the scared, affectionate kitten that came in and wouldn't leave. We could never find the owner, so that kitten is now one of three fat cats that live at my place. He's a happy camper, and all grown up now; went from trembling desperado to smugly entitled in about 30 cat-seconds.

Today, a large but very goofy-friendly dog suddenly wandered in the office..."Fili," according to his tags...

He just ambled around the office awhile, sniffing things out, wagging his tail. He seemed to be thinking, "Howdy folks...wutch y'all up to in here?"

He looked thirsty, so we gave him a bowl of water, which he lapped up.

Then, Fili decided to lie down for a short nap near Lily's desk...apparently a marble floor seems as inviting as a hammock to a dog...

But, after about 15 minutes he got his mojo back and wandered back out to the sidewalk, looking for hipper action than we could provide.

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