Sunday, February 24, 2013

Tranquility Break, Fix You, Young At Heart


You've probably heard about this group of octogenarians called Young At Heart. Their version of Coldplay's Fix You is heartfelt and moving. I enjoy and admire Coldplay, and their original, but this is more touching.

This was rehearsed and supposed to be performed as a duet, but one member of the duo died a few days before this live performance. So the surviving singer, Fred Knittle, performed it solo, as a tribute. (Those are bereaved family members in the audience, moved to tears.)

Sappy? No, because it's real.

For the video CLICK HERE

The choir master and founder is Bob Cilman. He tells how the group came about:

"...I was offered a job running a meal site for the elderly. It came with health insurance so I took it. I had some wonderful older people in my life, so I was intrigued by the job. After a year or so Judith Sharpe approached me and asked if I could get some people together for a sing along where she would play the piano. That was how it started..."

Fred Knittle, the singer in the video, has died since that performance. Here's an article about Fred from USA Today:  CLICK HERE

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