Friday, February 22, 2013

Lost Kitty Cat In the Office Today!

About 1 p.m. this little guy just walked in the door and made himself at home. He's starving, so I sent Lily to the tiendita to buy some catfood.

Laurie and Kitty Cat

He's charming Lily.

This is a very affectionate, purring little guy. He has been well fed, is clean, and socialized. Apparently he is not a street cat, but just someone's lost pet. What to do?

If we put him out on the street, he will likely not be found by his owner, and will be crushed by traffic.

I'm considering taking him home to care for him temporarily, while posting a flyer on our outer wall with his photo, asking if anyone las lost this cat. If an owner shows up, they'll be reunited. If not, I'll have two cats now instead of one.

Better ideas?

1 comment:

  1. Call local vets, and also the humane society if there is one. Let them know you found him and have him and leave your number. People will call there looking for their pet. Check for a tattoo in his ears (if he has one, his owner can be traced with it). You could also ask the vet or humane society if people put microchips in cats in your area-- and if so take him in to be scanned. (we lost one of our kitties about 6 weeks ago. He had tattoos in his ears that would have reunited us if someone had looked--so I really feel for your office kitty's owner).


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