Monday, February 18, 2013

Hot Shrimp by the Cool River! Yum Alert!


Yesterday being Sunday, I did my 2 or 3 hours of catch up in the office, then headed out with my S.O. to find a restaurant called El Guero Palancas.

My secretary Lily had been there with her novio a few days before, and came back raving about it. And to understand the significance of that, you need to know that Lily's mom just may be The Best Cook In The World, so when Lily is that impressed, I'm no fool. 

View From Our Table

It was a bit of a drive in the country to reach this place, but nice for a Sunday outing. We drove back through Mezcales and got off the highway at Las Juntas (near Home Depot), continued on past Ixtapa, the big, scary-looking penal (prison) then into the edge of the foothills. When the road makes a big bend to the left and crosses the river on a long bridge, you have have basically arrived. Make the first possible right, into a tiny pueblito and area of restaurants called El Desembocada.

The entrance to the river front restaurants comes up immediately, again on your right. If you don't see it (you will) just ask anybody. There are always people walking around in the street. This is Mexico after all. It doesn't matter at this moment if you don't speak Spanish. Just look bewildered and helpless (easy, right?) and say plaintively, "Guero Palancas?" (pronounced where-o palankas) and they'll point you in.

Right away you'll notice the wonderful smell of fried fresh shrimp and fish. Uuuuuiiii bebe!

 Pondering the menu choices! You can tell by the smell, it's gonna be good!

This is one of the menu items below; a fish filet, prepared as you like, plus shrimp prepared as you like (both the filet and the shrimp can be either grilled with butter and garlic; a la diabla; and/or breaded and fried. Or, a mix of two or all three!)

That's my S.O.'s little hand already reaching into the shot, grabbing a breaded shrimp. I had just said, in my commanding voice, "Wait until I get the photo for the blog!"

She ignored me of course and dug right in. :) So you have an action shot instead of a still life.

$120 pesos! About $9.50 USD

We'll be back. I'm already hungry just writing about it. El Guero Palancas.

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