Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Low Hanging Fruit, Right In The Backyard.


One of the many joys and pleasures of tropical living is the abundance of greenery, flowers, and even fresh fruit year round.

Behind my humble abode is an old orange orchard (huerta), and beyond that, just tropical forest. Nice. Just how I like it. Sometimes it's relaxing just to walk through the orchard in the morning.

These are everywhere right now. Nobody is harvesting them. There are oranges all over the ground, and hanging in the trees. The orchard seems to be abandoned. But, it's peaceful that way.

There are a few of these trees mixed in with the orange trees. The leaves look almost like a rubber tree. But the fruits? No idea what they are, and haven't the courage to bite into one. Any guesses? Want to take the first bite? I'll be right behind you.

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