Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Fruit, Not The Phone!


It's that time of year again. The guy from the more southerly state of Michoacan is here cruising the streets each afternoon, selling fresas (strawberries) zarzamoras (blackberries) mandarinas (mandarin oranges)  and duraznos (peaches).

I am a sucker for this stuff. I often buy a whole kilo or half kilo of whatever looks most delicious.

Last week, and today again, I bought  a half kilo of zarzamoras (blackberries). They are picture perfect lately; big, fat, none crushed or damaged, and just delicious. Tonight I will eat the whole bag, like a happy pig. Oh, by the way a half kilo is 30 pesos, or about $2.25 USD.  I have no idea what this would sell for in the USA, Canada or Germany Anyone care to clue me in?

1 comment:

  1. I will have to try to notice the price of blackberries here when they are in season. We have so many wild bushes that grow along the bike trails that we pick our own (as do many others) and I have never bought them.
