Monday, February 17, 2014

The Book Thief (La Ladrona de Libros).

The film adaptation of the best selling book is in our local theatres now. You can catch it in English, or in Spanish. I've see it in both languages, and the Spanish dubbing is just superbly done.

This sort of more serious, almost artsy film is not often booked into mainstream Mexican movie theaters. Usually, we get the standard, depressing, action and special effects trash that everyone else gets.

But occasionally, something good comes along. I've been able to see Silver Lining's Playbook, Gravity, Rush, and a few other respectable, intelligently made movies here. 

I found The Book Thief to be lovely, deeply tragic, and yes, wrenchingly sad. I would say it is extremely good...but not quite what I would call a great film. (But then I have dizzyingly high standards, ha ha.)

To me, lovely as it is, there is very little actual internal character arc in the story, with the exception of Liesel's mother Rosa, who is indeed transformed; softened.

The others (Rudy, Hans, Liesel), lovable as they all are, have change forced upon them by momentous external events, but we see no real internal changes, and those are the changes that make characters fascinating and unforgettable.

No doubt I am putting too fine a point on it. Because it is a very good and beautiful film. See it before Cinepolis replaces it with another typical low brow movie filled with gratuitous violence, explosions and car chases.

Just my 2 centavos. 

Take a towel or a bucket. You may find yourself crying more than a little.
P.S. Cinepolis in Pitillal. has the most screenings and largest variety of showtimes.

It is also in Lago Real in Mezcales, but only one late evening showing per day.

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