Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Spring Fires


Spring fires, meaning the burning of fields and underbrush in advance of the rainy season, are still a tradition in much of the tropical world, including Mexico.

Our summer thunderstorms typically begin right around June 15...sporadically at first, then pick up in frequency and intensity as we progress into July and August. In late Sept. they usually begin winding down, then stop in mid October.

In advance of all that, the burning always starts in May, our hottest month. Problem is, May is also one of our windiest months. (Spring in this area is very dry, and each afternoon, very breezy. The onshore afternoon breeze really kicks in starting typically in March, and continues that way right until the rains begin.)

So, these brush-clearing fires can get out of control easily, and often do. Yesterday, the bomberos (firemen) were racing down the highway towards a plume of white smoke, emanating from a brushy field.

This video was shot a few days ago as my neighbors burned the underbrush in the orange orchard behind my place.

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