Monday, May 27, 2013

Aqua Aventura

The humidity is rising fast, right on seasonal cue. We are now only about 2 weeks out from the usual June 15th start of the thunderstorm season. Wow, what sticky air. But, at least it makes my thinning hair look thicker, and my contacts feel better.

I get by with lots of  iced tea and ceiling fans in summer; no AC for stoical me. But when you can't take it anymore you can always hang out in the frozen food section of Walmart, or buy a block of  ice and sit on it. 

Realistically, going to a movie is a good old-fashioned way to cool off.  And then, there is the siren call of the water park.

Right across the highway from the most southerly entrance to Nuevo Vallarta is the old "Splash" water park, now under different ownership, remodeled and renamed. It's now called Aqua Aventura! (Aquatic Adventure!) Video below.

They have enlarged the old dolphin tanks considerably, and in addition to the vast array of pools and water slides, there is a "Swim With the Dolphins" attraction for around $100 USD ($1200 pesos).

I dropped by to check it out yesterday, and plan to take a certain 2 1/2 year old there later this week. Meaning to just the slides and pools. She will love it. (Kids have to be at least 8 to swim with the dolphins.)

If you have never been inside, there is much more to this park than you would think when passing by it on the highway. There are ten major water slides of varying configurations, plus a good-sized area of gentle slides and shallow water for small kids; plus a tubing "river" running around the park.

There is a seafood restaurant, plus hot dog, taco and hamburger stands, and plenty of seating under the shade trees. It s a fun but relaxing atmosphere.

The park is open now from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. except closed on Mondays and Tuesdays. Starting in July it will be open 7 days a week and remain open an extra hour, until 6 pm. Regular admission for adults is around $25 USD (depending on exchange rate), but there are promotions right now of two for one, and also a 30% discount for locals. So, if you live here and have a proof of address, you can get the discount.

Entry fee for kids from 4 to 11 is approx $19 USD, but again, with that 30% discount for locals.

Kids under 4 get in free.

Here's just one area of the park:

1 comment:

  1. Rio would LOVE that place--it has to go on our "must do" list for any future visit :) Have fun.
