Monday, January 28, 2013

Latka Gravas Alive and Singing Rap In Slovenia?


What's my favorite mobile app? Well, that's hard to say...there are so many interesting, useful or fun apps. But right at the top of my list is one called TuneIn Radio. I use it on my iPhone and iPad, but TuneIn Radio is available for Android systems and PCs as well.

TuneIn lets you listen in real time to radio stations all over the world. And it is crystal clear. You can browse by language, by location, or by genre. Then save your favorites.

Because of my particular interests, I mostly listen to music stations in Madrid, Paris, Munich, and Salzburg, and news/talk stations in Madrid and Munich.

Most of the music stations I listen to play a good portion of the standard international hits; lots of familiar American and British music. But they often mix in artists from their own culture and language, and sometimes there's a real discovery there just waiting to be made.

The Paris station I like mixes in some terrific French rock and pop; on the Madrid station I've discovered some great Spanish rock and pop artists that I would never have heard otherwise.  I've now downloaded these tunes and have them on my iPod in my car.

Last night, for no particular reason, I was listening to radio in Ljubljana, the capitol of Slovenia. They mixed in a pretty cool Slovenian cover, in the Slovene language, of Tequila Sunrise! It was  pretty darn good! Then later, they mixed in a song by a Slovenian rapper!

Meaning no disrespect to the artist or the language, but this was quite a curious sound to my ears. The rapper was of course trying to put the usual menace and swag into his voice; but in that Slovenian accent, it sounded like Latka Gravas from Taxi, getting angry at Alex and Elaine. To my American ears at least.

Latka tells Louie a joke (classic Taxi scene)  CLICK HERE FOR LATKA'S JOKE

To the Slovenian audience, I'm sure it was just the ticket...cocky and cool. :) 

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