Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Today is election day in the USA. Drama! Here's a bit of trivia: How many electors (in the electoral college) does each state receive and why?

The number of electors equals the total number of people each state sends to the Senate and the House of Representatives. Every state has two senators, and one representative for every congressional district (the average district has around 700,000  residents).

Small, sparsely populated states, such as Vermont, North and South Daokota, Wyoming and Montana, have only have three people in Congress (two Senators and one House member), so would correspondingly have three electors.

A heavily populated state, such as California, would have its two Senators, and 53 Representatives in the House. So California has 55 electors.

I have my popcorn ready for this evening. It may be a long night, and I may be very "desvelado" (sleep deprived) tomorrow. More below, if you're into this sort of thing. Click the orange Electoral College link.

Electoral College, Wikipedia

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