Friday, November 2, 2012


Another nice, cool morning, with a light breeze moving the curtains. Perfect. But it will be hot by 11 am. Plenty to do today. Need to review a listing client's escritura (deed) and testamento (will) to see if there are any anomalies. Part of our job is to be as proactive as possible, given the convoluted legal labyrinth in which we operate (i.e. the complex Mexican legal system), to avoid surprises down the road. Surprises, especially negative ones, are deal killers, and we make every attempt to avoid that, for the benefit of our sellers, our buyers, and ourselves.

Will also set up a meeting today between a different client (a penthouse owner), an engineer and electrician. It's a penthouse in a three unit condo complex. The condo owners are considering remodeling the pool to make it more inviting. And the electrician is because one of the penthouse AC circuits has a leak to ground. The electric meter keeps spinning, running up the CFE bill, even when no AC is on. Got to get that taken care of for the owners before they arrive from Alberta.

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