Friday, January 17, 2014

Indios En La Calle.


You never know what you'll see walking down a Mexican street. There are always surprises, there is always color.

Today these two Indios passed by in front of the office. They were walking fast. Truckin', as we used to say way back in the day.

They might have been real Indios, from a regional indigenous group, in town to sell crafts or put on a show. But I don't think so, judging by their costumes. They were dressed nothing like the Indians from Chiapas that frequent this area in high season; nor like the Huichols in the Sierra Madre mountains, to the north and east.

I'm no expert on this sort of thing, but these two looked to me more like Aztec impersonators. 

More likely, these guys are just regular Mexicans with a job dancing in a show..a ballet folklorico. They have shows like this often in the Decameron hotel, about 3 blocks away.

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