Thursday, January 2, 2014

Big Remodel of Bucerias' Plaza Underway

About 2 weeks ago workmen began excavating the street alongside the main plaza, and also the sunken concrete area frequented by skateboarders and soccer players.

It's a surprising time of year for this project to begin, because the area is now a real mess right here at the start of high season, and also the Fiestas Patronales will be starting in a few days.

The Fiestas Patronales are a carnival and street fair that is always held in January in Bucerias, and it is a really big deal. The plaza and most of the side streets for several blocks around the plaza are normally filled with rides, game booths, and street food...also lots of merchandise, jewelry, shoes, belts, watches, candy, nuts, electronics, housewares and so on.

It's the biggest fiesta of the year here, by far, and how they are going to do it this time with the plaza torn up is a mystery to me. But I'm sure they have a plan. Maybe.

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