Friday, December 6, 2013

Snow, Sleet and Ice in Dallas Today!

Bitterly cold arctic air is blasting much of Canada and the USA right now. Denver has set two record lows this week.

Even normally balmy Dallas-Ft. Worth is getting the wintry weather.

My sister in Ft. Worth, Barbara, sent me this picture of her backyard via Whatsapp this morning. Notice some of the trees still have leaves clinging to the branches!

Photo by Barbara Tresenriter

She says it is currently 27 F in Dallas with a wind chill of 18 F. Of course to the people in Denver or Calgary or St. Paul or Edmonton, etc. that 27 degrees sounds downright tropical.

Denver saw 17 below (F) a couple of nights ago.

I think I'll cross the street and wade in the surf on the beach. Aaaahhh that warm ocean and warm sunshine feels nice.

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