Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Ricardo, Metal Mania! (NOT!)


No, I don't mean metal music. Thank goodness.

Rather, a very polite young hombre named Ricardo Anaya stops by our office now and then, showing me samples of his artwork. His medium is metal, and he is not only a very pleasant and unassuming fellow; his work is quite good. It's more than just the same old same old that you so often see in Mexico. It is creative.

He does metal lamps, figures for wall mounting, tables, chairs, decorative railings, front doors, you name it. But always with style, flair, and creativity.

So...because I like the guy, and value his talent, I decided to give him a little free publicity when he stopped by today. 

Here are some samples of his work as shown on his website:


Wall Art

Wall art, plus can be wired as a wall lamp.

Tres Caballos.


Ricardo is originally from Mexico City, but moved to Vallarta when he was 14.  He has his studio in Vallarta at Valle de Toronjo #301. He passes through Bucerias from time to time showing his work.

Here is a link to his website with lots more photos, and his contact info. He speaks some English, so don't be shy about calling or emailing him if you're interested in having something made.  CLICK HERE!

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