Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Giant Sea Bass, Candy & Nut Buffet!


Lori LaVelle dropped by the La Cruz Marina Market on Sunday.

La Cruz Marina (Photo: Lori LaVelle)

It's a weekly occurrence every Sunday during high season. This is a big market with lots of locally grown produce, homemade crafts, rugs, homemade soaps, prepared food to sample (paella, French pastries, quiche, fresh bread, etc.).

And, freshly caught fish. Here's a hefty sea bass:

That'll yank your cork! (Photo: Lori LaVelle)

A sea bass of that size would feed a big Mexican family, or be bought by a sea food restaurant for pescado sarandeado! Or just lots of filets!

Sea bass is one of the tastier fish in this area, along with of course red snapper and the epitome, dorado. All three are firm and delicious.

Nuts, fruits and candies! (Phot: Lori LaVelle)

The market opens early every Sunday morning throughout high season. Some of the fresh fish vendors are there in advance, but most of the market is open by around 9:00 a.m., then closes at 2 p.m.

Lori says get there as early as you can, because things get picked over, and it gets crowded.

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