Monday, May 16, 2016

Ed's Listing Condo Pauline, Under Contract, Deposit In Escrow

Condo Pauline is under contract to a buyer from Spokane, Washington. He seems like a really nice person according to my agent, Ed Christoffel. (Ed is the listing agent in this sale - a Vallarta MLS agency represents the buyer).

The sellers are exceptionally kind, warm-hearted people; a Canadian couple. I think this will be another sale in which everyone walks away content and happy. That's always the goal.

This will close in mid June.The buyer cannot attend the closing, but because this will be a new trust (as opposed to assuming the existing trust), the buyer does not need to empower someone (with a Mexican limited power of attorney) to sign in his behalf. The fiduciary (trustee) bank has an implied power of attorney to sign for the buyer when creating a new trust deed.


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