Saturday, September 24, 2016

Mezcales Overpass Updated Photos, Ed Christoffel

From agent Ed Christoffel:

"The overpass is starting to take shape, All but 2 posts in, they still need to put the T tops on 6 posts. Not all of the surface beams are done yet but getting close. Now that they have started putting up some  surface beams they can start to pour the concrete surface. I have heard conflicting reports on completion but it will definitely be 2017 before its done.!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Bucerias' New Chedraui and CMQ Hospital, both to open soon. Ed Christoffel

Agent Ed Christoffel took this photo yesterday, June 27th, driving past the new Chedraui store. It's going up immediately south of the Bucerias Farmacia Guadalajara.

In case you are not aware, Chedraui is a large Mexican chain, similar to a Target superstore. They are super-sized, with deli, bakery, housewares, automotive, clothing, electronics, toys, furniture, appliances,and a full grocery store including a sea food market. Chedraui is known for its bakeries, which are generally considered to be offer tastier goods than Mega's or Walmarts, and for its more complete imported foods section.

Already Chedraui is interviewing and hiring many locals, taking quite a few employees from their nearest competitor, Mega. Mega is fighting back, with a big sign out front saying that they are hiring now too, no doubt replacing some of the workers that quit to work for Chedraui.

There might be some price wars when this Bucerias Chedraui opens in a couple of months.

This is an artist's (or computer program's) rendering of the new CMQ Hospital being built in Bucerias right on the beach side Hwy 200 service road, about five blocks south of the overpass over the dry stream bed...or if that reference is meaningless to you, about 7 blocks south of the main plaza area.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Mezcales Overpass Well Underway - Ed Christoffel

Agent Ed Christoffel:

"The much needed overpass in Mezcales is well underway. Not only will it reduce the time from Vallarta to Bucerias but it will make it a lot safer. Judging by the steel and concrete going into it it doesn't look like it will blow away."

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Playa Royale Residences #304 Under Contract, In Escrow

Our listing of #304 Playa Royale Residences, a large, beach front 2 bedroom 2 bath in Paradise Village, is under contract with deposit in international escrow.

Closing is set for mid-June.

The buyers are from Washington State.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Suite Rose, Under Contract, Deposit In Escrow

Suite Rose, the small but super-well-located 1 bedroom condo across the street from my office, is under contract with deposit in international escrow. It will close in mid-June.

The seller is a retired gal from the Toronto area (Guelph), who is the only owner the condo has ever had, and the buyers are a couple from Ottawa. Interestingly, his work takes him often to Guelph, so buyers and seller have now had a chance to meet face to face.

Ed's Listing Condo Pauline, Under Contract, Deposit In Escrow

Condo Pauline is under contract to a buyer from Spokane, Washington. He seems like a really nice person according to my agent, Ed Christoffel. (Ed is the listing agent in this sale - a Vallarta MLS agency represents the buyer).

The sellers are exceptionally kind, warm-hearted people; a Canadian couple. I think this will be another sale in which everyone walks away content and happy. That's always the goal.

This will close in mid June.The buyer cannot attend the closing, but because this will be a new trust (as opposed to assuming the existing trust), the buyer does not need to empower someone (with a Mexican limited power of attorney) to sign in his behalf. The fiduciary (trustee) bank has an implied power of attorney to sign for the buyer when creating a new trust deed.


Saturday, May 7, 2016

Casa de Los Arcos, Zona Dorada, Bucerias

This house is a private listing of a friend of mine, a developer in Bucerias.  I toured the house yesterday and offered to put it on the web site and blog. This is not in either of the two MLS systems, but looks like a good value to me, and I can easily arrange a showing through my friend the developer.

Heated pool and jacuzzi.

Well equipped and spacious main kitchen.

Outdoor kitchen under veranda.

Click here to see many more photos, data, and the video tour:

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Snow In The Mexican Mountains

Just a few weeks ago, the high Sierra Madres had a fair amount of snow. This was on the highway between Durango and Mazatlan, at the pass.

Vaquera (Cowgirl) Guapa (Pretty)

There is always life and color in the street in Mexico. Recently I looked out the front door and discovered this beautiful chica...she was making her horse "dance." I'm sure there is a name for this, but I know next to nothing about horses.

She was promoting a local charreada (rodeo), and she drew quite a crowd. Of gawking gringos in the street. Not sure how many went to the charreada.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Six Ways Germany (Alemania) and Mexico Are Historically Linked

Paradoxically, Mexico and Germany, as opposite as they might seem, are two of my favorite countries. And, they are more historically linked than you might imagine.

Here are 6 ways the two countries are historically linked. Click the link below the photo.

 6 things you never knew linked Mexico and Germany

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Progress of New CMQ Hospital, Bucerias

This large building is going up fairly quickly. There is a substantial crew working 6 days a week.


This new hospital is only half a block from Casa Cascada, which is a small apartment building with a large 1 bedroom apartment and a large 2 bedroom apartment. Also with a palapa covered rooftop terrace, featuring bay views, and a good-sized pool.

Casa Cascada needs some TLC, but is wonderfully located for small B & B purposes or could be used as an outpatient housing, or housing for patients' families.

Casa Cascada

For more photos, data, and a video tour click here:

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Lambert PH, Sold and Closed

Lambert Penthouse in Green Bay II, on El Tigre golf course in Paradise Village, closed on February 8th. The seller is a friend and client from Alabama. The buyer is from Colorado and Hawaii.

Delcanto Corner Two Bedroom, Sold and Closed.

This was one of the most beautifully decorated properties I have ever seen. And, it had a good ocean view, in a superb development (Delcanto, on Flamingos beach between Paradise Village and Bucerias).

The sellers were a family from Edmonton, Alberta. The buyer was a woman from Guadalajara. 

8 Bedroom House On Canal Lot, Closed.

It was a long slog to get the complex and challenging legal situation squared away, but with the patient and dedicated help of my legal team, P and G Legal Services, headed up by attorney and fellow workaholic Cristina Vilchis, plus the patience of the buyers and the seller, this first half of this deal (the sale of the house on lot 161, on the canal, in section II of Nuevo Vallarta), was finally closed in mid December 2015.


 The buyers, a family from California, have the structural stabilization and remodel project well under way.

The transfer of title to lot 160 is still pending, as it had even more legal issues to resolve. The same legal team is handling that as well.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Casa Palapa, SOLD

NOTE: this blog entry is appearing out of proper sequence. This was posted last May or June, 2015, but now insists on appearing as if a new post. It is not. But it doesn't allow me to move it back into place. Ni modo.

The sale of Casa Palapa closed yesterday.  The buyer is a businessman from Guadalajara.

The sellers are Americans but full time residents of this area for many years, and will be staying aournd for awhile at least while they decide what the next chapter will be.

Market Roller Coaster, Makes Me Queasy!

Last summer and fall (of 2015), this office was so busy I had no time to post to the blog. I was in the office 7 days a week, often 12 hours a day, and could barely manage to stay ahead of all the contracts, cap gains calculations, proof reading of new deeds, and showings.

And that was during what is traditionally our quiet low season. This high level of activity was consistent from last May through December. It looked as if this market had finally really turned the corner and was headed back up.

Then, just as we entered into the heart of what is normally our busiest selling season, January, February, and March, things slowed dramatically. How counter-intuitive is that?

Some of the reasons are apparent; the overly strong USD means that the market (priced in USD) is less of a bargain, in their home currencies (CAD and MXN) for Canadians or Mexicans. And in Bucerias, Canadians are normally 75 to 80% of the market. (Not so much in Vallarta.) So the real estate market in Bucerias is especially hard hit this year.

But what has happened to all the American buyers we had last summer and fall? That's a harder question to answer. The fact is no one knows for sure, but there are two possible reasons they haven't shown up this year. First, the global stock market selloff that started in earnest in January, and from which the markets have not fully recovered, spooked a lot f people. And, second, the political situation is so bizarre in the US this year, that many people are stunned by the crassness and unpredictability of it all, and may be postponing big decisions as a consequence.

Regardless, whatever strength the market was showing last low season has certainly dissipated during high season. And I need to take advantage of the time available to get back in the blogging habit.

There will be some sales and listings updates posted in the next day or two.
