Thursday, October 2, 2014

The RFC Chaos Resolved?


I am informed by one very reliable source that Hacienda SAT late yesterday notified all notaries that the law has been amended effective immediately. Now, with the amendment, foreign sellers need not obtain temp residency, CURP or RFC. For foreign sellers we are back to business as usual, as before the Sept 1 new law.

Importantly, there is very good news for foreign buyers also. Foreign buyers now need not obtain temp residency. They can simply walk into the SAT offices (near Costco) with their tourist card and passport, and SAT will issue them an RFC on the spot. No advance appointment necessary. We will be helping out buyers with this.

I will confirm all this with other sources during the day and advise if any of this is incorrect or changed. But I wanted to share this welcome news and I am increasingly optimistic we are all now "in the clear. "

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