Monday, May 19, 2014

Poofed Up Hair, Pass the Snorkel


We are nearing the start of the rainy season. Already the humidity is here in force. You feel like you need a snorkel to breathe. But there are good aspects to it too. Your skin and contact lenses don't feel so old and dry. And, the humidity poofs up your hair, which is a gift to those of us with only a dwindling comb-over.

For about three days now we have been getting cumulonimbus clouds building over the Sierras. The rainy season always kicks in in the high country, and down south toward Acapulco, a few weeks before it does here in Vallarta. These storms in the Sierras are always our precursors.

Typically, the first real thunderstorm here in the bay area occurs on or very near the 15th of June.

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