Saturday, March 15, 2014

Two Show Offs Hangin' Out Today In Front of the Office.


These are called hibiscus in English I think. They are called obeliscos in Spanish. These two are on our front step just to the side of the front door. I have others that are pink, others that are white.

It's certainly true that part of the joy of living here is that you have flowers and green things 365 days a year. That alone is just bound to make you feel a little better.

I can't tell you how many escapees from the polar vortex, Canadians and Americans alike, stop out front just to marvel at the flowers. Back "home," whether that's Chicago or Buffalo, Toronto or Calgary, it's still a monochromatic landscape of whites and greys, of bare limbs and slush.

But of course it will be beautiful in the north too when spring and summer finally arrive. The key word being finally.

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