Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A Sad Post I Never Dreamed I'd Be Making


For those of you who have been in this office, and met and worked with our secretary Lily, you know how sweet and kind she is. For those of you who have not had the absolute pleasure and privilege of knowing her, be assured you would  like and admire her greatly.

Lily has worked here with me almost every day for almost 6 years, and I can say truly, with no hesitation or exaggeration, that she has never, not once, raised her voice or used a harsh tone with anyone. Never. And we often are involved with stressful deals and difficult, tense negotiations. She handles it all with placid, sweet calm.

Lily received a very difficult diagnosis over the last few days. She is going to be in all of our thoughts and prayers.

She is being taken tonight from a hospital in Tepic to a special hospital in Guadalajara. The exact treatments are still being considered, pending additional test results, but she will probably begin with several weeks of radiation, then either chemo, surgery or both. 

Lily is in shock, as are we all. It is, for now, hard to accept that this is really happening to her.

For those of you who know Lily, if you would like more details of her situation, please email me.


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