Friday, July 19, 2013

Bucerias Cobblestone Brigade Out In Force


For several years the side streets in the Zona Dorada (Golden Zone) neighborhood of Bucerias have been in bone-jarring condition, with thousands of threatening potholes. Some blocks looked as if they had been cluster bombed, and were really a trial to navigate without seriously damaging your vehicle or having the fillings fly out of your teeth.

The irony was that this tourist zone was in much worse repair than many areas of the support communities of San Jose or San Vicente or Valle Banderas. Although it was good to see the city spending money on those inland communities as well.

But the municipality has now directed funds in this direction, and crews have been painstakingly repairing the cobblestone streets block by block. What a relief...and a big Gracias! to the ayuntamiento (city hall).

This was taken yesterday's calle Francisco Madero, looking from calle Galeana south toward calle Juarez.

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