Friday, June 14, 2013

Viven Viveros!...The Joys of Nurseries in the Tropics...El Eden


One of the great things about living in the tropics is how low-priced all the beautiful plants are in the ubiquitous nurseries (viveros). Just about three blocks from my house is a big wholesale nursery aptly named El covers almost five acres, and is beautiful to walk a botanical garden or tropical park...with groves of towering Royal Cuban Palms shading the plants.

Yesterday I bought a new plant for the's a bit of the hike through the nursery that we had to take to locate the plant I wanted.

It's always hard to decide what to buy...there are so many tempting's what I took back to the office this time.

I forgot to ask the name. Some sort of Dracaena? Dracaena Reflexa maybe? What would this plant cost in the 'States or Canada? Here it was $100 pesos...about $8 USD. Maceta (planter pot) not included.

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