Sunday, April 21, 2013

Name This Cat Please.


That scared little kitten that wandered into the office a couple of months ago is growing up. No owner came forward so I guess he's part of my world now, by default. He's doing very well, and eating 30 lbs of Whiskas a day, or so it seems.

He loves the huge tropical trees in my backyard area. They are cat heaven, filled with lizards to chase, and easily climbable if a dog wanders by. He spends a lot of the day up in the trees, sleeping on a fat limb, Cheshire Cat style.

The two big trees in the video are parotas, and they are getting new leaves right now, greening up nicely, their shade getting darker and cooler every day. Even though the rains don't start until around June 15, the longer days are the trigger for the trees to put out new leaves.

Here are the parotas, followed by the growing adopted cat. He still has no name. Suggestions are welcome.


  1. I vote for Mowgli, after the orphan boy who in The Jungle Book :) He spent a lot of time in trees too.

  2. and I forgot to say, he is ADORABLE!

  3. Or, if you want to be very cutesy--The Great Catsby! lol
