Sunday, May 24, 2015

Villa la Dolce Vita -SOLD -

It was a long and winding road, but Villa la Dolce Vita closed on Wednesday. The new owners drove down from San Antonio, Texas and arrived yesterday with a truck full of new things for the house, and with their doggie.

Their dog must be enjoying all the new tropical smells! Sea breeze, tropical flowers, iguana farts, it's a different world for anyone, let alone a doggie from arid San Antonio, Texas.

This was a difficult deal to achieve, taking many months to close, due to a world of convoluted  bureaucratic procedures via numerous agencies. But in the end it was worth it, and buyers and sellers are content.

Despite this being an extra involved and tedious procedure, we were very lucky to have mature, patient, kind and decent people on both sides - both buyers and seller were just excellent clients.

That makes all the difference.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Casa Palapa, Punta del Burro, Under Contract

Casa Palapa is now under contract. The buyer is an international businessman from Guadalajara.

Lote 161 (Casa Grace) and 160, Under Contract

Casa Grace (lot 161), in Nuevo Vallarta on Jacarandas street, is now under contract, along with the adjacent lot, 160. Escrow was opened yesterday with Fidelity International Escrow.